Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Marine Lance Cpl. Arden J. Buenagua

Remember Our Heroes

Marine Lance Cpl. Arden J. Buenagua, 19, of San Jose, Calif.

LCpl Buenagua was assigned to the 1st Combat Engineer Battalion, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, Calif.; died Nov. 24, 2010 in Helmand province, Afghanistan, while conducting combat operations.

A 19-year-old Marine from San Jose was killed Wednesday in Afghanistan's Helmand Province, less than two months after arriving in the country for his first combat deployment, the Department of Defense said Thursday.

Lance Cpl. Ardenjoseph A. Buenagua, a decorated engineer, enlisted in July 2009 and was assigned to the First Marine Division's First Combat Battalion at Camp Pendleton.

The Marines did not provide details of his death. Buenagua's decorations included a Purple Heart, the Combat Action Ribbon and other honors for combat service.

Family members could not be reached for comment Thursday night.

Buenagua used his iPhone to make his last post on his Facebook page on Sept. 30 "after a few days of traveling. we're finally gonna arrive in afghan today," he wrote.

His mother wrote in response, "Pray, pray, and pray always...and we're praying for ur SAFETY. GOD is always w/u all the time...luv u so much -- MOM :)"

On his Facebook profile page, Buenagua described himself as a gregarious young man who liked to make friends. He wrote, "Aj Buenagua better known as Arden. I like meeting people that are interested in things that I'm into and strange cats that are entertaining because that's just the way they are. I don't try to start anything with anyone ever and just don't like having 'beef'. But everything else I make friends pretty easily since I just start talking to people and if they like me they like me and if they don't then too bad right? But that's just the way it is."

He listed San Jose's Piedmont Hills High School and Independence High School as his Facebook networks.

One friend wrote on his Facebook wall: "Arden Joseph Buenagua, it's still unreal to me & everyone else.. :/ thankyou for everything you've done. thanks for the memories, love you. Rest In Paradise."

On the blogging site Tumblr, friends posted remembrances of the young soldier. "Rest in Paradise Arden Joseph Buenagua," one wrote. "You did your country, hometown, friends and family proud. You will never be forgotten." Another wrote: "R.I.P. Algebra 2 buddy." Morgan Cannon wrote: RIP Arden Joseph Buenagua. You were always upbeat and awesome to be around and you made even the longest days a little bit easier. You were a great friend and a great marine. God Bless you and your family. i will definitely miss you man..

From his guest book:

November 27, 2010: Arden, we your family is sooooo very proud of you! You risk your own life just to protect this country, you are now safe in the hands of our creator, may you also find peace in paradise!.. you will be missed but never forgotten. It's hard to accept that this had happened but who are we to question Him, don't worry about your mom we'll always be her to support her. We love u and Godbless... happy trip! ~ Geraldine, West Covina, California

November 27, 2010: I couldn't believe it, but now I have to face reality. You're really gone and there's nothing I can do to bring you back. Your friends, family and this country are very proud of you. This Thanksgiving and every other Thanksgiving, I will thank you for giving your life to protect us. I will never forget the memories we had when you were a poolee at RSS McKee. You will be missed, but never forgotten, my friend, my brother. <3 ~ Baby Ho, San Jose, California

November 26, 2010: My heart goes out to my coworker Veronica who lost her precious son Arden. A young man taken away to soon. We were just talking about you on Tuesday. Come to find out on Wednesday you passed away. Your mother was so happy talking about u Arden. She was so very proud of you. I know you will be watching over her and your two young brothers. Rest in Peace Arden... ~ Teresa, San Jose, California

Marine Lance Cpl. Arden J. Buenagua was killed in action on 11/24/10.

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