Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Army Spc. Matthew C. Powell

Remember Our Heroes

Army Spc. Matthew C. Powell, 20, of Slidell, La.

Spc. Powell was assigned to 526th Brigade Support Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), Fort Campbell, Ky.; died Oct. 12, 2010 at Kandahar Airfield, of wounds suffered at Ghunday Ghar, Afghanistan when insurgents attacked his vehicle with an improvised explosive device.

In Loving Memory of Matthew Powell: An American Hero - Wednesday, October 13, 2010 Bethany Jones

There are no words to describe the magnitude of debt owed to the men serving overseas to protect the great nation of America. On October 12, 2010, shocking and heartbreaking news reached the home front and shattered the city of Slidell: Matthew Powell, a twenty year old young soldier, had been killed in a roadside bomb while serving his final stage of deployment in Iraq.

Powell, a Northshore High School student from the class of 2009, is a man worthy of all of the depths of honor and pride that this nation can bestow upon her brave son. Having just received the Purple Heart for a bullet wound to the shoulder during his first year of deployment, Matt’s service to the United States had already gone so far above and beyond the call of duty. A compassionate and affectionate boy when he was a student at Northshore, Matt grew into a strong and honorable man during his years serving in the military. His pride and love for his country and his family shone in his face, and it was apparent to all who knew him that he was indeed one of the bravest young men the country had seen. The devoted love and friendship he bestowed to all fortunate enough to know him will never be forgotten, and his sacrifice will inspire and change the lives of all, even the ones who did not.

Matt, we are all proud of you and forever indebted to you and all of the brave young people who have given the ultimate sacrifice to secure our homes. I proudly join the rest of Slidell, and the rest of America, in saluting you and everyone who has given their life to truly make America the land of the free and the home of the brave.

When I was first told of Matt’s death, immediate shock, heart break and denial swiftly ensued. It couldn’t be possible, I thought. Not three weeks ago he was home, so happy and confident and proud of his selection into the U.S. Special Forces, sure of God’s chosen path for him, the military for twenty more years. But now, I remember the boy who I was befriended by in my awkward junior high years, the handsome and sweet “big brother” figure in my life. As reliable as any flesh and blood brother, just as loving and protective.

As impossible as it is to believe this has happened, I just wanted you to know Matt, how proud we are, how your impact in our lives will never fade. Thank you Matthew Powell, your family and friends will steadily remain in our hearts and prayers. You will be greatly missed and forever an inspiration to all who know of your incredible sacrifice to your country.

Specialist Matthew C. Powell, 20, of Slidell, LA, was a Motor Transport Operator assigned to Company A., 526th Brigade Support Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault). He joined the Army in July 2008 and arrived at Fort Campbell in November 2008. His awards and decorations include: National Defense Service Medal; Global War on Terrorism Service Medal; and Army Service Ribbon.

Army Spc. Matthew C. Powell was killed in action on 10/12/10.

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