Saturday, September 08, 2007

Army Cpl. Ryan A. Woodward

Remember Our Heroes

Army Cpl. Ryan A. Woodward, 22, of Fort Wayne, Ind.

Cpl. Woodward was assigned to 1st Squadron, 73rd Cavalry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, N.C.; died Sept. 8, 2007 in Balad, Iraq, of wounds sustained from small-arms fire when insurgents attacked his unit during combat operations.

WANE -- (WANE-Department of Defense) Another soldier from northeast Indiana has been killed in Iraq. According to the Department of Defense, 22-year old Cpl. Ryan Andrew Woodward was killed on September 8 in Balad, Iraq when insurgents attacked his unit.

He was assigned to the 1st Squadron, 73rd Cavalry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

"Corporal Woodward was a highly dedicated paratrooper," said Christopher Chapman, 1st Sqd. 73rd CAV rear detachment commander. "He was dedicated not only to his profession but also in serving this great nation."

Woodward joined the Army in February 2006. He completed Cavalry Scout One Station Unit training at Fort Knox, Ky., in June 2006.

He arrived to the 82nd Abn. Div., in July 2006 and was assigned to the 1st Sqd., 73rd CAV as a Scout Javelin Gunner.

"Woodward was athletic and very outgoing, he always liked to tell jokes and always tried his hardest," said Spc. Ceasar Chavez, a fried and fellow soldier.

"He loved his friends; we were all pretty close," Chavez said.

"He will be sorely missed by all of us who knew him, and our thoughts are with his family during their time of grief," added Chapman.

Woodward's awards and decorations include the Bronze Star Medal, the Purple Heart Medal, the National Defense Service Medal, the Iraq Campaign Medal the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, the Army Service Ribbon, the Overseas Service Ribbon, the Combat Infantryman's Badge, and the Parachutist's Badge.

Woodward is survived by his parents Michael and Sue Woodward, of Fort Wayne, Ind.

The unit will hold a memorial service in Iraq.

Woodward was a 2003 graduate of Carroll High School.

Carroll principal Deb Neumeyer says she learned the news of Ryan Woodward's death on Saturday night.

Woodward's sister, Brooke, graduated from Carroll last year and his brother, Ben, is a senior at Carroll.

Army Cpl. Ryan A. Woodward was killed in action on 9/8/07.


  1. Hello: My name is William Gregory Woodward. I received news of Ryan's death today. My father is William Gene Woodward and grew up in Fort Wayne. I have never had the opportunity to know any family members. My dad's sisters still live in Indiana and as far as i know still living. I am interested in the relationship that Ryan was to me. My dad and i don't talk much as things have been difficult in our family...My regards to you and heartfelt prayers to you and and all the folks. William "Woody" Woodward.

  2. Woody - if you visit this site again and see this, please contact me at terrirager@gmail as I might be able to share some info with you.

    Terri Rager

  3. Greg if you would like to know about Ryan and the rest of your family in Indiana e-mail me at
