Thursday, January 13, 2005

Marine Lance Cpl. Matthew W. Holloway

Remember Our Heroes

Remember Our Heroes

Marine Lance Cpl. Matthew W. Holloway, 21, of Fulton, Texas.

Lance Cpl. Holloway died from injuries received as a result of enemy action in Al Anbar Province, Iraq. He was assigned to the Marine Forces Reserve's 1st Battalion, 23rd Marine Regiment, 4th Marine Division, Corpus Christi, Texas.

Hundreds of people came to remember an adventurous young man, who found his latest challenge in Iraq. But after this adventure he won't be coming home to young wife Amie whom Reverend Jim Daniel called a gift to Matthew.

"You have given all you have lived, have loved, and you have died for a purpose," said Rev. Daniel. His sacrifice earned him the oldest combat medal awarded. Some came to mourn Lance Corporal Holloway. Others came to remember him as a kid catching a quick nap, or riding his bike, or a young patriot who gave his life in service of his country.

As the Marine Hymn played, marines who have made it home safely honored Matthew's sacrifice. One they vow will not be in vein.

Bryan Holloway remembers exactly when his younger brother was born, the day after his own birthday.

"So my birthday present was a day late," said Bryan Holloway. "I still haven't forgiven mom and dad for that. But what a present it was I had a little brother." Like all little brothers Matthew looked up to his older brother. After the attacks of September 11th 2001, he decided to become a Marine like his father and older brother Bryan, who's been overwhelmed by the outpour of sympathy from the community.

"It amazes me just how many people have told me how much they loved Matt. How much he affected so many lives in a positive way. Everyone who knew him liked him and most grew to love him." Bryan also tried to console Matthew's widow Amie who was a new bride just eight short months ago. "I know how very much Matthew loved you and I am so glad you were a part of his life."

His father also talked to the congregation saying his son would appreciate all the flowers and condolences, and would urge them not to forget his buddies who are still at war.

"I would ask them that they give those prayers for my fellow devil dogs in Charlie Company 1st Battalion, 23rd Marines so that they all return safely home to their families," said Wayne Holloway. Tragically there was not a safe return for Matthew who paid the ultimate price for his country and freedom.

"Thank you Matthew for your love, strength, courage and kindness," said Bryan. "Thank you for being that shining light to so many. I love you Matthew and goodnight little brother. God bless America and Semper Fi."

Lance Corporal Holloway was laid to rest with full military honors at Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery in San Antonio.

Marine Lance Cpl. Matthew W. Holloway was killed in action on 01/13/05.

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